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New Challenges Lead to New Opportunities

Yemen Loan Guarantee - YLG

Yemen Loan Guarantee - YLG

Aug 28, 2023

New Challenges Lead to New Opportunities

Abdulrahman Alnaqeep started his business in Taiz city about 7 years ago, however, due to the conflict, his business went down. Hence, he had to move to Sana'a city and re-established his business again where he started with 60 computers, 3 workers and 6 open guest rooms. Today, after being guaranteed twice from YLG & through our partner NmfyOrg, he was able to take a loan and expand his business to more than 100 computers,10 workers and 10 open guest rooms. Moreover, he added a sales point for the transportation companies such as: (Raha, Alaoula, .... etc), add to that, sales point for telecommunication companies and Yemen Net.